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Your home is supposed to be your safe haven where you can be comfortable and secure. Unfortunately, statistics from the FBI show that crime rate is up and your home could be burglarized. For this reason, many homes have installed high security safes to keep their valuables intact. However, this leads to the next concern. What exactly should you store in your home’s safe?

The first thing you should put into your burglary safe is documents that contain your personal identification. Identity theft is rampant and, if you leave your Social Security cards and birth certificates where someone can steal them, you will have great financial trouble in the future.home-safe-tl-30You may also want to put documents pertaining to your mortgage and any other loans in the safe as these often contain your personal identification on them. Along with this paperwork, you will want to have insurance policies, copies of your will, and any safety deposit box keys that you may be holding onto.

You will also want to keep valuable jewelry and other keepsakes locked up tight and away from the eyes of potential thieves that may enter your home. With this being said, if your jewelry safe is fireproof, you will want to make CD copies of all your family pictures and place the CD in your safe in case of a fire.

A home safe provides you with extra security for you and your family. It is simply one more step you can take to protect you and your family.

For tl 30 safes, or used safes for sale, visit First Security Safe online or at their Los Angeles location.