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Using-Foam-to-Create-a-Safe-Home-for-Your-ChildWritten by the Foam Factory, Inc.

Child-proofing a home can be a daunting task. For small children, there are potential dangers all around the household. Using foam from Canada can reduce your child’s risk of injury in several areas throughout your home.


When children are first learning to walk, falling is inevitable. You can help keep your child safe from sharp edges during this time by using foam bumper pads. These cylindrical pads have one slit that runs from one end to the other. They are made from firm charcoal foam and fit snugly around hard round objects such as basement poles, or sharp edges like those of a coffee table. Bumper pads come in several standard sizes or they can be custom cut.


Upholstery foam from Canada is another great use of foam for children. This foam can be cut to any number of shapes and sizes to fit small chairs or cribs, ensuring less contact between your child and hard surfaces.


Charcoal door stoppers are affordable products that prevent children from shutting their fingers in doors. The stoppers have a simple design that allows for quick and hardware-free installation. They fit around the edges of most doors and are easy to use around the house.


Flexible polyurethane foam is another product that can be useful in different areas. It’s available in large sheets and is simple to cut. It can be used to soften sharp edges, cover hard surfaces, and provide extra padding wherever your child needs it.

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